Dead Pixels airs in UK and reviewed

Season 2 of our hit gamer comedy started airing last night (Jan 26th) on E4 here in the UK (and bingeable on All4).

The first review came in today.

“With sharp, quotable writing, strong comic performances and an irresistible outsider perspective, E4’s Dead Pixels series 2 is the natural successor to Peep Show…”

We’ll take that!

A complex comedy switching between the real and gaming world, the score features authentic medieval music, experimental jazz, 8 & 16-bit gaming cues, contemporary fantasy gaming music and even an epic Kingdom Scrolls theme tune sung by the cast and accompanied by a live orchestra. It definitely isn’t your every day comedy!

© 2025 Paul Arnold & Andrew Barnabas (Andrew Barnabas & Paul Arnold)  Site: Leigh Howells